Högre testosteronnivåer länkat med autism?
Och detta vill forskare 'BOTA'!
Se klippen före ni läser texten nedan förslagsvis.Och bortse från att Jacob kommit upp i målbrottet och att han är lite lätt 'hyper'. ;)
Det finns människor sittandes på höga maktpositioner ute i världen som verkar för att man via genmanipulation ska isolera och ta bort gener som anses länkade till autism. Det finns även folk därute som helt seriöst vill ha en möjlighet att veta under graviditeten om deras barn riskerar att födas med autism, och vill kunna abortera om så är fallet.
Det må vara så att Jacob Barnett är ett underbarn och så ovanlig som 1 på 10 miljoner människor. Det må vara så att Aspergers Syndrom enligt säkrad statistik uppskattas ha en frekvens på 2-3 barn per 10 000 invånare, och att dem som faller inom den klassiska autism-diagnosen som innebär förståndshandikapp, är långt vanligare (70% inom autismspektrumet tillhör denna kategorin), men det rättfärdigar ingenstans att människor ute i världen vill leka nazistiska rasbiologer, och förkasta allt som inte faller inom ramen för det 'normala'.
Kan bara instämma i det som Temple Grandin sa, att "mänskligheten skulle fortfarande befinna sig på grottmänniskor-stadiet om det inte varit för autismen. Utan autismen hade världen fått klara sig utan extraordinära genin såsom exempelvis: Nicolaus Copernicus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates och Mark Zuckerberg. Alla översociala jävlar därute som mäter livsduglighet efter konsten att snacka ihop sig och festa i grupp kan ju suga på den karamellen ett tag.
Saxat från Wikipedia ang. just Aspergers syndrom:
"En stor populationsstudie i Sverige 1993 visade att 36 av 10 000 barn i skolåldern uppfyllde Gillbergs kriterier för AS, och det steg till 71 av 10 000 om misstänkta fall inräknas.[27] Uppskattningen är övertygande för Sveriges del, men resultaten kanske inte är tillämpliga på andra ställen eftersom de baseras på en homogen population. Den svenska undersökningen visade att AS kan vara vanligare än man tidigare trott och för närvarande kan vara underdiagnostiserad.[56] Gillberg uppskattar att 30–50% av alla personer med AS inte har fått en diagnos.[19] En annan undersökning har visat att 36 av 10 000 vuxna med en intelligenskvot på 100 eller över kanske uppfyller kriterierna för AS.[66]"
Kan för övrigt upplysa om att världens alla Aspergare försvann från jordens yta från och med 1:a maj i år (Jag sitter för närvarande på Aspergerkolonin på Mars måne Phobos och skriver detta! ;) ). Alla miljontals människor med diagnosen gick upp i rök eftersom American Psychiatric Association som utarbetar DSM, fått total kollektiv hjärnkollaps, och inte längre erkänner Aspergers syndrom som en diagnos, utan den skall istället buntas ihop med PDD-NOS, Högfungerande autism, klassisk autism och Retts syndrom, under samlingsnamnet Autismspektrumtillstånd, i och med deras sprillans nya DSM version 5. Ni kan läsa mer om det hela här.
Det blev tydligen för mycket att hålla reda på för den neurotypiska befolkningen och dess makthavare, så vi packar ihop allihopa till en enda grupp så slår vi ihop 5 små 'problem' till ett enda, trots att alla 5 har helt skilda behov av hjälp och stöd. Nästa steg blir väl att mota in oss i tågvagnar och köra iväg de oönskade till ett 'arbetsläger'...vänta några årtionden till bara :P
Tack och lov att inte alla länder följer DSM, utan att många hellre förlitar sig på ICD's kriterier för diagnoser.
Vikten av rutiner, kontroll och förutsägbarhet för en aspergare
Anonymous question reposted by Joanne
My parents both think that when an Aspie has a meltdown due to people constantly moving her things around and interrupting her routines, it's a sign of immaturity and she needs to grow up. Does anyone here agree with this? If so, why, and if not, why not?
Cassow: One of my toughest issues as an adult aspie is to learn how to best cope with people that either pay no attention or lack respect to my needs for consistency, predictability and routines.
I do believe that, while it is a good thing for an aspie to strive for less obsessiveness of control and predictability in life's daily events, it must also be acknowledged that that just isn't possible for some of us.
This is a tough cookie for sure!
I believe that it's a balance thing with your friends and relatives where you have to try and weight your own needs contra other people's needs in every situation.
My 73 year old grandmother regard me as a son, and she is highly dependant of me these days. I know she loves me, but at the same time she is high maintenance/tough to love, because she believes she has the right to crash into everyone elses lives and do whatever the heck she pleases to, without having to face any consequences. This sometimes makes for a clash between titants, as I am unwilling to let her influence or control my personal space in daily life to her favour. She knows about my diagnosis since two years back, and yet she understands very little of it, and seem to be either unwilling to understand, or unable (I believe her to be aspie herself actually).
So because of this I've set up boundaries. And one of those are that MY rules apply in my own home. In your own room or appartment/house you are the king, and as long as you live on your own, you are also the ONE ruler of your own castle.
Whenever my grandmother visits me she tries to exercise or gain influence in my home. This can drain me on energy to a great extent (even deplete my energy entirely). Because my grandmother is a handful, I try to pick when fight (as in argumenting) is neccessarily, or when to flee, resignate, or just plainly ignore her if possible.
I can ignore and let it pass if she decides that my dishes can't be left alone (I'll do them myself eventually), or when she feels that my toilette needs some cleaning (I do keep it clean to begin with) - but what I refuse to accept, and what also causes meldowns sometimes, is when she decides to try and redecorate or rearrange my stuff (I'm pedantic and highly organized), moves around my flowers in my windows, or when she moves around my furniture(!). End of line there!
My parents both think that when an Aspie has a meltdown due to people constantly moving her things around and interrupting her routines, it's a sign of immaturity and she needs to grow up. Does anyone here agree with this? If so, why, and if not, why not?
Cassow: One of my toughest issues as an adult aspie is to learn how to best cope with people that either pay no attention or lack respect to my needs for consistency, predictability and routines.
I do believe that, while it is a good thing for an aspie to strive for less obsessiveness of control and predictability in life's daily events, it must also be acknowledged that that just isn't possible for some of us.
This is a tough cookie for sure!
I believe that it's a balance thing with your friends and relatives where you have to try and weight your own needs contra other people's needs in every situation.
My 73 year old grandmother regard me as a son, and she is highly dependant of me these days. I know she loves me, but at the same time she is high maintenance/tough to love, because she believes she has the right to crash into everyone elses lives and do whatever the heck she pleases to, without having to face any consequences. This sometimes makes for a clash between titants, as I am unwilling to let her influence or control my personal space in daily life to her favour. She knows about my diagnosis since two years back, and yet she understands very little of it, and seem to be either unwilling to understand, or unable (I believe her to be aspie herself actually).
So because of this I've set up boundaries. And one of those are that MY rules apply in my own home. In your own room or appartment/house you are the king, and as long as you live on your own, you are also the ONE ruler of your own castle.
Whenever my grandmother visits me she tries to exercise or gain influence in my home. This can drain me on energy to a great extent (even deplete my energy entirely). Because my grandmother is a handful, I try to pick when fight (as in argumenting) is neccessarily, or when to flee, resignate, or just plainly ignore her if possible.
I can ignore and let it pass if she decides that my dishes can't be left alone (I'll do them myself eventually), or when she feels that my toilette needs some cleaning (I do keep it clean to begin with) - but what I refuse to accept, and what also causes meldowns sometimes, is when she decides to try and redecorate or rearrange my stuff (I'm pedantic and highly organized), moves around my flowers in my windows, or when she moves around my furniture(!). End of line there!
Ibland brister omdömet...
När försvararna utav offret till översittaren själva förvandlas till översittare.
don't f* with asperger :D -Roelant :)
Matt *->Josh *
How many fucking accounts are you gonna have? You add me every time because you think I like you
Bryan * Excuse me, please do not be so rude. It is Joshes Facebook, and he is allowed to do whatever the hell he wants. If you don't like him why bother commenting - just to show off. Now, leave him alone, and don't accept his request if you dislike him. Do I make myself clear?
Roelant * I second Bryan's opinion, now don't be such a rude imbecile. Josh is a great guy, and if you have a problem with him, you have a problem with me and Bry, ps you look like the kind of guy i would have loved to put in a garbage can in high school
Bryan * I know right, Roe, I'd be one of the cheerleaders in the background chanting 'Go Roe; Go Roe; Go Roe' then I'd make sure the garbage disposal squad is called in to dispose of those not needed and irrelevant to the smart non-bullying human
Bryan * Just checked out his profile ^^ and he's older than ME. I'm 21 and he's a year OLDER. Saying that to a 15 year old boy with Autism. You should be ASHAMED of yourself. I hope I never meet you
Roelant * well lets find a container then in stead of a garbage can, shall we?
Bryan * Something big enough to hold a grown human male. How about........ an alligator?
Roelant * well bryan about that, to fit such requirements a crocodile would be better. but if the objective is to hold him entirely. then only a sperm whale is able to swallow him. perfect match for a dickhead i'd say
Bryan * LOL - I think he should have got the message by now - let's leave it alone for now.
Jag kunde inte låta bli att dela med mig utav mina tankar kring att de lade upp detta i en status...
Jag: Bryan, as much as I love what you have done/are doing for the many people with Aspergers out there, this page shouldn't be either about raising yourself up to some grand hero stature through posting private fights openly for every member to see. The only thing that does is making you look hungry for personal gratification. Standing up for that teenager is a good thing, but my advice to you is to keep drama to a bare minimum on the page unless you want to risk that many followers unlikes it (I'm currently not one of them, but I understand why people get upset).
You do have every right to feel and say whatever you like on your very own page, but if you can't understand why Shakespearian-dramas like this is offputting to people, then I believe you need to ask yourself who you really are running this page for. Is it the aspergers community or yourself?
By creating this page you are already a hero in my book, but now that it has so many members, you need to focus more on just maintenance, and allow it to grow by itself. I do believe that the page has already reached a critical mass, allowing it to keep growing even if you didn't play such an active role.
I think the page would grow more if you actually took the role as the guy that runs it all behind the curtains.
Please understand that I am grateful for everything you do for the Asperger community Bryan, and that this criticism only are suggestions.
Gilla · 22
Jag: I'm not saying that you should stop posting stuff Bryan - or that wasn't what I ment with "the guy that runs it all behind the curtains", so I'll elaborate:
What I did mean was: keep posting educating, informing stuff, but allow the page to be less about yourself and more about aspergers in general. I do find you an interesting person though, and I do like to hear your personal opinions about aspie-related things in discussions. I just don't think that this page should be Bryan's personal ego boost-page.
Gilla · 9
Jess: you articulated what I also feel about this, I think the admin team are great but all this could make them lose credibility and that would be a shame.
Sluta gilla · 2
Sarah: Well it's his page and he can make it what he wants it to be and it's especially irrelevant what you think this page "should" be. If you want a page that's more about aspergers in general then go make one yourself.
Gilla · 1
Jag: It certainly is not IRRELEVANT what I think Sarah. I am a member just like you and I am entitled to my opinion. And clearly I am not the only one with these thoughts. As an aspie I know how hard it can be to see things nuanced instead of black and white, but really, if there is one thing that will help us aspies being more accepted in society, that is to learn how to see things in the gray shades, or different colors even.
As much as I am frustrated by NT's that refuses to see things through my perspective, I still have a responsibility towards myself and others to try my very best to see things through ALL ANGLES and not just my very own.
Gilla · 5
Jag: And to adress the thing you said about making my own page - I rather not, as I see just how much energy it can take from a person, time and life quality. I have too many special interests to make such a page work. This is why I admire what Bryan does so much! But that still won't turn me into someone who abandons my own ability to think critical.
I do share Bryans will to spread information about Aspergers though, and I do have my own blog that does that very thing. If Bryan and fellow admins are unwilling and unable to see things through others perspectives, then I do believe that this page will falter in time. And that is something I don't want. I want this page to expand and grow more than anything. So please, I am not an enemy here, I am an ally!
Gilla · 6
Annie: Byran stated recently that "likes" are critical to spreading awareness about Asperger's. Well by that stance, Claes's post is critical. The admins need to know what people "like" because not everyone has been here as long and will be willing to stay. I do agree that the page needs to have less personal drama aired. The information on the page is so valuable. I don't have the condition myself but I am not, in my own humble opinion, neurotypical. I have dyslexia and add and have two kids with sensory issues, one of which is dx ASD. I'm busy. VERY Busy raising three kids that are less than 31 months apart in age, going to school myself, and being a military wife... and the thing is, my life isn't unusual. Most people are genuinely busy, especially those advocating for special needs support. There's very little room for people to "see" all that is on the page at a quick and often unavoidably rushed glance. Bryan may certainly do what ever he likes with the page. But if "likes" are a concern, these are points to remember. Perhaps even creating a group where such private matters could be discussed by more involved ASA Page followers would be a good alternative.
Sluta gilla · 4
...To be continued?
don't f* with asperger :D -Roelant :)
Matt *->Josh *
How many fucking accounts are you gonna have? You add me every time because you think I like you
Bryan * Excuse me, please do not be so rude. It is Joshes Facebook, and he is allowed to do whatever the hell he wants. If you don't like him why bother commenting - just to show off. Now, leave him alone, and don't accept his request if you dislike him. Do I make myself clear?
Roelant * I second Bryan's opinion, now don't be such a rude imbecile. Josh is a great guy, and if you have a problem with him, you have a problem with me and Bry, ps you look like the kind of guy i would have loved to put in a garbage can in high school
Bryan * I know right, Roe, I'd be one of the cheerleaders in the background chanting 'Go Roe; Go Roe; Go Roe' then I'd make sure the garbage disposal squad is called in to dispose of those not needed and irrelevant to the smart non-bullying human
Bryan * Just checked out his profile ^^ and he's older than ME. I'm 21 and he's a year OLDER. Saying that to a 15 year old boy with Autism. You should be ASHAMED of yourself. I hope I never meet you
Roelant * well lets find a container then in stead of a garbage can, shall we?
Bryan * Something big enough to hold a grown human male. How about........ an alligator?
Roelant * well bryan about that, to fit such requirements a crocodile would be better. but if the objective is to hold him entirely. then only a sperm whale is able to swallow him. perfect match for a dickhead i'd say
Bryan * LOL - I think he should have got the message by now - let's leave it alone for now.
Jag kunde inte låta bli att dela med mig utav mina tankar kring att de lade upp detta i en status...
Jag: Bryan, as much as I love what you have done/are doing for the many people with Aspergers out there, this page shouldn't be either about raising yourself up to some grand hero stature through posting private fights openly for every member to see. The only thing that does is making you look hungry for personal gratification. Standing up for that teenager is a good thing, but my advice to you is to keep drama to a bare minimum on the page unless you want to risk that many followers unlikes it (I'm currently not one of them, but I understand why people get upset).
You do have every right to feel and say whatever you like on your very own page, but if you can't understand why Shakespearian-dramas like this is offputting to people, then I believe you need to ask yourself who you really are running this page for. Is it the aspergers community or yourself?
By creating this page you are already a hero in my book, but now that it has so many members, you need to focus more on just maintenance, and allow it to grow by itself. I do believe that the page has already reached a critical mass, allowing it to keep growing even if you didn't play such an active role.
I think the page would grow more if you actually took the role as the guy that runs it all behind the curtains.
Please understand that I am grateful for everything you do for the Asperger community Bryan, and that this criticism only are suggestions.
Gilla · 22
Jag: I'm not saying that you should stop posting stuff Bryan - or that wasn't what I ment with "the guy that runs it all behind the curtains", so I'll elaborate:
What I did mean was: keep posting educating, informing stuff, but allow the page to be less about yourself and more about aspergers in general. I do find you an interesting person though, and I do like to hear your personal opinions about aspie-related things in discussions. I just don't think that this page should be Bryan's personal ego boost-page.
Gilla · 9
Jess: you articulated what I also feel about this, I think the admin team are great but all this could make them lose credibility and that would be a shame.
Sluta gilla · 2
Sarah: Well it's his page and he can make it what he wants it to be and it's especially irrelevant what you think this page "should" be. If you want a page that's more about aspergers in general then go make one yourself.
Gilla · 1
Jag: It certainly is not IRRELEVANT what I think Sarah. I am a member just like you and I am entitled to my opinion. And clearly I am not the only one with these thoughts. As an aspie I know how hard it can be to see things nuanced instead of black and white, but really, if there is one thing that will help us aspies being more accepted in society, that is to learn how to see things in the gray shades, or different colors even.
As much as I am frustrated by NT's that refuses to see things through my perspective, I still have a responsibility towards myself and others to try my very best to see things through ALL ANGLES and not just my very own.
Gilla · 5
Jag: And to adress the thing you said about making my own page - I rather not, as I see just how much energy it can take from a person, time and life quality. I have too many special interests to make such a page work. This is why I admire what Bryan does so much! But that still won't turn me into someone who abandons my own ability to think critical.
I do share Bryans will to spread information about Aspergers though, and I do have my own blog that does that very thing. If Bryan and fellow admins are unwilling and unable to see things through others perspectives, then I do believe that this page will falter in time. And that is something I don't want. I want this page to expand and grow more than anything. So please, I am not an enemy here, I am an ally!
Gilla · 6
Annie: Byran stated recently that "likes" are critical to spreading awareness about Asperger's. Well by that stance, Claes's post is critical. The admins need to know what people "like" because not everyone has been here as long and will be willing to stay. I do agree that the page needs to have less personal drama aired. The information on the page is so valuable. I don't have the condition myself but I am not, in my own humble opinion, neurotypical. I have dyslexia and add and have two kids with sensory issues, one of which is dx ASD. I'm busy. VERY Busy raising three kids that are less than 31 months apart in age, going to school myself, and being a military wife... and the thing is, my life isn't unusual. Most people are genuinely busy, especially those advocating for special needs support. There's very little room for people to "see" all that is on the page at a quick and often unavoidably rushed glance. Bryan may certainly do what ever he likes with the page. But if "likes" are a concern, these are points to remember. Perhaps even creating a group where such private matters could be discussed by more involved ASA Page followers would be a good alternative.
Sluta gilla · 4
...To be continued?
Aspergers syndrom och schizofreni? :/
Saxat från Asperger Syndrome Awareness-forum på FB:
Anonymous Question Posted by Joanne
"Is there anyone with aspergers who has experienced intrusive voices in their head? My teenage son is troubled by this at the moment and I would like to find out whether anyone else with aspergers or HFA has experienced this. Thank you."
Man måste ju som orolig förälder få fråga, men jävlar vad arg jag blir när det dyker upp svar som detta nedan, som sprider ut en massa missinformation om vad som är Aspergers. Förvisso tror ju Charlene på fullaste allvar på det hon skriver, så det är egentligen inte hennes fel att det blir så här fel, men det riskerar ju att ge Aspergers syndrom, som redan är en väldigt missförstådd diagnos med ett oförtjänt dåligt rykte, ett ännu sämre rykte.
Charlene: I'm 21 and i have aspergers as well, and i hear voices. If i dont keep my mind active i hear them more. they tell me to do bad things, harm myself and others, but when they get really bad they tell me ways to kill people. i know this sounds bad, but i found a way to control it. I am a writer, i write horror stories so i channel what the voices say into my writing and it helps a lot.
my doctors know of this and i am not schizophrenic, its just apart of the aspergers. the best way to deal with this is to keep your mind active, by that i mean do what you enjoy. (i love reading, doctor who, and writing, so i spend my days doing just that, i read a lot, and i write all day and i watch doctor who 24-7)
when the voices get bad you just have to deal with it but dont do anything they say. its like a shadow we have that we have to deal with, sometimes we can see our shadow and other times we cant, but its there. there are meds to help, i dont take any though, i tried but none worked.
the best advice anyone can give you is to keep your mind active, if you like video games, play them, if you like sports, play them, join a team. whatever makes you happy and your mind busy. even thinking can help. just make sure they never get too bad. it is my personal belief that as an aspie, we are all high functioning sociopaths, but not all of us are. dont get me wrong here, for us aspies who deal with voices, we are high functioning sociopaths, theres nothing bad about it. it just means our brain is hardwired differently even from other aspies.
Jessy: I'm guessing it probably matters what the voices are saying ... whether he's hearing them as his own voice - or as another person / persona, how he responds to them, what he believes about them etc ect... if these voices are changing his behaviour etc etc... I have Aspergers and I have my OWN (usually) negative thoughts in my head, which I can't really control ... when I had a 'breakdown' I used to say it was like instead of 'normally' having one 'line' to the 'devil' and another 'line' to 'God' it was like I had ONLY a permanent 'hotline' to the 'Devil' ... but I wasn't being entirely 'literal' ... I knew the voices were my own - it's just that the balance of positive vs negative thoughts was WAY outa whack ... and anyway, I was hospitalised during this time in a Psych ward - and they decided ALL I had was Anxiety/Depression issues - nothing 'sinister' ... BUT best get checked by a GOOD Psych who is ALSO knowlegable in ASD
Tobias: that MIGHT be schizophrenia if he is hearing voices which aren't there there is no reason why he couldn't have both sorry if i scared you but if thats the case i would have him checked about that as its common for schizophrenia to develop during adolescence
Marie: that has nothing to do with aspergers I'm going to be blunt I'm not trying to hurt feelings but this pisses me off! hearing voices that tell you to do things ARE NOT ASPERGERS I'm tired of people saying certain things are bc of aspergers when they aren't!!!! aspergers doesn't mean they are crazy doesn't mean they turn out violent doesn't mean they will kill someone!! having an imaginary friend is ok and normal and different that what the op is talking about, having songs stuck in your head is normal has nothing to do with any diagnosis!! people with aspergers are not violent they do not grow up to be!!!! people can have aspergers and also other diagnoses that have those traits!!!!
Jag: I am an aspie myself and I know that all aspies are unique and different from eachother, while sharing certain traits, but I still refuse to acknowledge that "hearing voices inside your head" is part of Asd as it clearly has nothing to do with autism spectrum disorder. I base this on the fact that i have read 4 or 5 books about Asd (among them Tony Attwoods brilliant "The complete guide to Aspergers syndrome") and that I have never encountered this on any list of aspie-traits, nor any chapters about "hearing voices".
What I have no problem with acknowledging though, is that Schizophrenia can be a side diagnosis beside Asd, because that much is proved.
I find it very upsetting that there are unprofessional doctors out there who claims that hearing voices in the head is not Schizophrenia but instead Asd, and that they even have managed to brainwash parents and aspies alike into believing it!
Jag (igen)@Stacy: Possibly, but Asd and Schizophrenia must not be mixed together and fused into one diagnose. I think that would be very wrong, unfortunate and hurtful for the Aspie-community as a whole if Asd was also associated with "hearing voices inside your head". We have plenty enough traits as there is.
Aspies can have obsessive thoughts, but that is not the same thing as Schizophrenia. Hearing your own voice inside your head is not Schizophrenia. Hearing other voices inside your head on the other hand, I'd say would qualify.
Jag (igen!): Ok, so I opened up Tony Attwood's book "The complete guide to Asperger's syndrome" and searched for anything relating to schizophrenia in the register in the back, and found a little here and there. To summarize it, I'll translate my swedish edition into english as well as I can.
"We have yet to determine the actual correlation between Asperger Syndrome and Schizophrenia, but currently there is no evidence in psychiatric science litterature, that schizophrenia is more commen with people that has Asperger's syndrome than within the general population."
Also I read in the book that many doctors and psychiatrists in the world confuse Aspergians often vivid imagination and ability to create their own inner fantasy worlds and such, with schizophrenia. So clearly this is a widespead problem when it comes to diagnosis.
Attwood's explaination to why some people are wrongly diagnosed with Schizophrenia instead of Asd, is that the doctors tend to ask the questions the wrong way in interviews, since many aspies take things litterary. One example:
- Do you hear voices?
- Yes.
The aspie may translate the question as if the interviewer wonders if he/she can hear voices in general, not specifically inside his/her own head. To answer "Yes" to that question may also refer to each and everyones own inner personal voice. That shouldn't be confused with, nor be compared with, hearing other people's voices, or unknown voices in your head telling you what to do. The problem is that some aspie teens doesn't realize that they do have an own inner personal voice, which makes them wrongly believe that they in fact are schizophrenical.
Anonymous Question Posted by Joanne
"Is there anyone with aspergers who has experienced intrusive voices in their head? My teenage son is troubled by this at the moment and I would like to find out whether anyone else with aspergers or HFA has experienced this. Thank you."
Man måste ju som orolig förälder få fråga, men jävlar vad arg jag blir när det dyker upp svar som detta nedan, som sprider ut en massa missinformation om vad som är Aspergers. Förvisso tror ju Charlene på fullaste allvar på det hon skriver, så det är egentligen inte hennes fel att det blir så här fel, men det riskerar ju att ge Aspergers syndrom, som redan är en väldigt missförstådd diagnos med ett oförtjänt dåligt rykte, ett ännu sämre rykte.
Charlene: I'm 21 and i have aspergers as well, and i hear voices. If i dont keep my mind active i hear them more. they tell me to do bad things, harm myself and others, but when they get really bad they tell me ways to kill people. i know this sounds bad, but i found a way to control it. I am a writer, i write horror stories so i channel what the voices say into my writing and it helps a lot.
my doctors know of this and i am not schizophrenic, its just apart of the aspergers. the best way to deal with this is to keep your mind active, by that i mean do what you enjoy. (i love reading, doctor who, and writing, so i spend my days doing just that, i read a lot, and i write all day and i watch doctor who 24-7)
when the voices get bad you just have to deal with it but dont do anything they say. its like a shadow we have that we have to deal with, sometimes we can see our shadow and other times we cant, but its there. there are meds to help, i dont take any though, i tried but none worked.
the best advice anyone can give you is to keep your mind active, if you like video games, play them, if you like sports, play them, join a team. whatever makes you happy and your mind busy. even thinking can help. just make sure they never get too bad. it is my personal belief that as an aspie, we are all high functioning sociopaths, but not all of us are. dont get me wrong here, for us aspies who deal with voices, we are high functioning sociopaths, theres nothing bad about it. it just means our brain is hardwired differently even from other aspies.
Jessy: I'm guessing it probably matters what the voices are saying ... whether he's hearing them as his own voice - or as another person / persona, how he responds to them, what he believes about them etc ect... if these voices are changing his behaviour etc etc... I have Aspergers and I have my OWN (usually) negative thoughts in my head, which I can't really control ... when I had a 'breakdown' I used to say it was like instead of 'normally' having one 'line' to the 'devil' and another 'line' to 'God' it was like I had ONLY a permanent 'hotline' to the 'Devil' ... but I wasn't being entirely 'literal' ... I knew the voices were my own - it's just that the balance of positive vs negative thoughts was WAY outa whack ... and anyway, I was hospitalised during this time in a Psych ward - and they decided ALL I had was Anxiety/Depression issues - nothing 'sinister' ... BUT best get checked by a GOOD Psych who is ALSO knowlegable in ASD
Tobias: that MIGHT be schizophrenia if he is hearing voices which aren't there there is no reason why he couldn't have both sorry if i scared you but if thats the case i would have him checked about that as its common for schizophrenia to develop during adolescence
Marie: that has nothing to do with aspergers I'm going to be blunt I'm not trying to hurt feelings but this pisses me off! hearing voices that tell you to do things ARE NOT ASPERGERS I'm tired of people saying certain things are bc of aspergers when they aren't!!!! aspergers doesn't mean they are crazy doesn't mean they turn out violent doesn't mean they will kill someone!! having an imaginary friend is ok and normal and different that what the op is talking about, having songs stuck in your head is normal has nothing to do with any diagnosis!! people with aspergers are not violent they do not grow up to be!!!! people can have aspergers and also other diagnoses that have those traits!!!!
Jag: I am an aspie myself and I know that all aspies are unique and different from eachother, while sharing certain traits, but I still refuse to acknowledge that "hearing voices inside your head" is part of Asd as it clearly has nothing to do with autism spectrum disorder. I base this on the fact that i have read 4 or 5 books about Asd (among them Tony Attwoods brilliant "The complete guide to Aspergers syndrome") and that I have never encountered this on any list of aspie-traits, nor any chapters about "hearing voices".
What I have no problem with acknowledging though, is that Schizophrenia can be a side diagnosis beside Asd, because that much is proved.
I find it very upsetting that there are unprofessional doctors out there who claims that hearing voices in the head is not Schizophrenia but instead Asd, and that they even have managed to brainwash parents and aspies alike into believing it!
Jag (igen)@Stacy: Possibly, but Asd and Schizophrenia must not be mixed together and fused into one diagnose. I think that would be very wrong, unfortunate and hurtful for the Aspie-community as a whole if Asd was also associated with "hearing voices inside your head". We have plenty enough traits as there is.
Aspies can have obsessive thoughts, but that is not the same thing as Schizophrenia. Hearing your own voice inside your head is not Schizophrenia. Hearing other voices inside your head on the other hand, I'd say would qualify.
Jag (igen!): Ok, so I opened up Tony Attwood's book "The complete guide to Asperger's syndrome" and searched for anything relating to schizophrenia in the register in the back, and found a little here and there. To summarize it, I'll translate my swedish edition into english as well as I can.
"We have yet to determine the actual correlation between Asperger Syndrome and Schizophrenia, but currently there is no evidence in psychiatric science litterature, that schizophrenia is more commen with people that has Asperger's syndrome than within the general population."
Also I read in the book that many doctors and psychiatrists in the world confuse Aspergians often vivid imagination and ability to create their own inner fantasy worlds and such, with schizophrenia. So clearly this is a widespead problem when it comes to diagnosis.
Attwood's explaination to why some people are wrongly diagnosed with Schizophrenia instead of Asd, is that the doctors tend to ask the questions the wrong way in interviews, since many aspies take things litterary. One example:
- Do you hear voices?
- Yes.
The aspie may translate the question as if the interviewer wonders if he/she can hear voices in general, not specifically inside his/her own head. To answer "Yes" to that question may also refer to each and everyones own inner personal voice. That shouldn't be confused with, nor be compared with, hearing other people's voices, or unknown voices in your head telling you what to do. The problem is that some aspie teens doesn't realize that they do have an own inner personal voice, which makes them wrongly believe that they in fact are schizophrenical.
Fan att man ska behöva informera om sånt här. Men det är bara att fortsätta tills det går in hos folk...
Schizofreni är sin egna diagnos och har _ingen_ korrelation med Aspergers! Eventuella tvångstankar som aspergare kan lida utav är inte schizofreni heller. Däremot så är det fullt möjligt för en person som har Asd att även ha Schizofreni, men Schizofrenin har alltså inte större förekomst hos folk inom autismspektrumet än det har hos övriga befolkningen.
Fan att man ska behöva informera om sånt här. Men det är bara att fortsätta tills det går in hos folk...
Schizofreni är sin egna diagnos och har _ingen_ korrelation med Aspergers! Eventuella tvångstankar som aspergare kan lida utav är inte schizofreni heller. Däremot så är det fullt möjligt för en person som har Asd att även ha Schizofreni, men Schizofrenin har alltså inte större förekomst hos folk inom autismspektrumet än det har hos övriga befolkningen.
För dem som undrat vad skillnaden är...
Allmänhetens kunskap om autism i Sverige ligger enligt min uppfattning och erfarenhet på en tämligen låg nivå. Det ena som Svenssons tycks ha viss koll på är det som benämns "klassisk autism" eller där förståndshandikapp är med i bilden.
Som en av dem som fått diagnosen Aspergers som vuxen, kan jag tyvärr bekräfta att myten lever och frodas även här i Sverige. Man behöver inte gå särskilt långt eller leta särskilt länge heller.
Jag och min mor fick under min då pågående utredning 2011 höra följande via en släkting som skvallrade om en annan släkting, som hade åsikter om oss två:
"Claes har inte någon diagnos", "Det här att han är osocial (att hålla låg profil på släktkalas eller helt utebli) beror på att han fått dålig uppfostran som barn".
Ett annat exempel på fördomar:
En f.d vän talade även om för mig inför min förestående npf-utredning, att jag bara slängde bort min tid på utredningen och istället borde sluta vara sjukskriven och skaffa mig ett jobb, eftersom hon jobbat på ett gruppboende med autistiska (dock är hon bara undersköterska), och därför kunde hon avfärda att jag hade Asperger. Jag var ju 'normal'!
Det är så skönt med människor som är självutnämnda 'experter', trots att de saknar både egna personliga förstahandserfarenheter, eller en yrkeskompetens att avgöra nåt sånt komplext!
Fördomar och okunskap om autism är än idag vardagsmat för folk som befinner sig på autismspektrumskalan, och deras anhöriga. Tyvärr.
Inte en skola jag vill studera på
Jag skrev detta i en engelsk Fb-grupp om ASD:
"We're all weird/quirky in one way or another". That's the one summarizing comment I recieved from my course teacher when I had described how my ASD works for a full hour.
I had been away from my university for 3 years, because of bullying and silent treatment from my former classmates, and also lack of understanding and support from teachers.
So when I returned this term, diagnosed and now fully understanding myself and how my ASD works, I get patronized by a teacher who clearly had no interest whatsoever in learning that there are people out there who struggles daily with their social handicaps.
There was also a 3rd party sitting with me and the teacher at the table, and she was the advocate for students with a diagnosis.
The course that I was supposed to study, revolved around science around social media, and one of our assignments was to start up and run a blog. Upon realizing this I told the teacher and my 'advocate' that I already had an active blog.
At first they were positive about my idea that I could use my private blog for the course, but as soon as they realized that one of the many topics on my blog was about Asbergers syndrome, they quickly dissmissed the idea altogether.
I was very upset by this. I have fully accepted my diagnosis and I feel that it is nothing to either hide or be ashamed of. Instead I see it as one of my life missions to spread knowledge about ASD. But they strongly adviced me to not use my private blog as it could possibly hurt me and prevent me from getting a job in the future.
With these cynical thoughts about ASD in mind I decided not to take the course and instead boycott the university. I refuse to accept such ignorance. They would not respect me and my diagnosis, and they could not understand how someone like me, who is able to successfully hide my diagnosis in plain sight, would seek to risk being a victim to people's prejudice. If everyone with ASD started to hide under a rock, how the heck are we ever going to be anything else but marginalized, hushed and stowed away by society!?
Jag blir så glad...
...över att det finns folk med autismspektrumstörning därute som har precis lika god förmåga som jag själv när det gäller att förklara hur det är att leva med ASD, hur diagnosen kan yttra sig, och hur den påverkar i den sociala interaktionen med folk i vardagen.
Det trista är bara att majoriteten 'vanliga' människor därute, inte har nog med tid, tålamod eller intresse för att lyssna och lära sig. Folk vill ha enkla och snabba svar, så att man med minsta möjliga tankemöda kan klassifiera och sätt in i en kategori. Det försvårar kunskapsspridandet avsevärt, och innebär att elaka fördomar får fortleva, och i sin tur att miljontals människor därute med ASD blir avskräckta från att stiga fram, då dekänner att det är säkrare att lida i det tysta av stigmat från samhället. Men skam den som ger sig!. (Ja jag är medveten om att jag upprepar mig, men jag gör det för att det tål att upprepas)
Det finns många fördelar med ASD också som sagt...
Lyssna ordentligt nu
...För den här tjejen kan förklara ett och annat.
Empatibrist - knappast!
De här tankarna, den uppfattningen som hon har ang. ASD och empati, är identitska med mina egna, och så även ett antal andra aspies jag varit/är i kontakt med. Visst finns det folk med ASD som har absolut noll förmåga till "theory of mind" - dvs förmåga att sätta sig in i en annan människas psyke eller känsloliv, men man kan inte dra alla med ASD över en kam då ingen med ASD är helt som den andra med ASD.
Det må kanske vara så att vanliga människor (s.k neurotyper - odiagnosticerade) lär sig empati intuitivt medan folk inom autismspektrumet sägs vara tvungna att lära sig detta logiskt, men samtidigt så inser ju inte neurotyper att folk med autismspektrumstörning har hjärnor som fungerar väldigt annorlunda i HUR de uppfattar verkligheten, och VAD de registrerar. Och bara för att de neurotypiska hjärnorna i nuläget råkar vara i majoritet i världen, så innebär inte det per automatik att de äger tolkningsföreträde inom precis allting, och att alla människor med ASD och annorlunda tankar skall omyndigförklaras. Dock är det precis så det ser ut idag. För om folk med funktionshinder/funktionsnedsättningar skulle bemötas med samma ögon som alla 'vanliga' människor, då skulle vi ju plötsligt vara jämnlikar, och då skulle funktionshinder-benämningen vara obetydlig och sakna legitimitet.
I dagsläget så tvingas vi med funktionshinder föra en hopplös kamp för att bli hörda och bli tagna på allvar, och sedda som jämlikar - trots våra (i olika höga grad) svårigheter med det sociala samspelet. För med ASD följer inte bara svårigheter utan också många styrkor som 'vanliga' människor saknar. Jag tänker inte gå igenom några listor i detta inlägg - den som är nyfiken på nya insikter behöver bara googla.
Vad TheAnMish försöker få fram i sitt youtube-klipp är att neurotyper inte gör någonting, eller i allafall inte tillräckligt för att försöka anpassa sig till folk med ASD (och vi tycks ändå bli allt fler), och använda sitt "theory of mind" till att föreställa sig hur VI känner oss, hur VI fungerar. Och om nu det är vi med ASD som alltid skall tvingas till att försöka anpassa oss, att försöka förstå hur 'normies' fungerar, ja då kan man ifrågasätta det här med empati överhuvudtaget tycker jag, eftersom empati då snarare förvandlats och förvanskats till SYMPATI för dem som är likadana eller tycker likadant som en själv, och då är empati rätt ihåligt som begrepp.
Jag känner empati för alla som förtjänar min empati. Empati kan vara selektiv. Om man inte anser sig ha någonting gemensamt med en annan person, då minskar empatin, oavsett om man är en 'normal' människa, eller om man har Aspergers syndrom. Med tanke på hur mycket krig och ond bråd död som existerar ute i världen, som styrs utav 'normala' människor i 'fredliga' religioners namn, så kan man faktiskt ifrågasätta vilken sida utav oss som egentligen har störst empati-problem.
Hon är så jävla klok
Spola fram tills 5:26, för det är då hon börjar prata.
Ett steg närmare 'Gattaca'
Läser detta med blandade känslor. I den bästa av världar är det en positiv nyhet för autismcommunityt, som kan leda till tidiga, riktade stödinsatser för den med autism. I den sämsta är det ett steg närmre mot att på sikt utrota autister. Jag behöver inte bli botad, för jag är inte sjuk. Jag är bara annorlunda - ett störande inslag i vetenskapens rasbiologiska, rent nazistiska strävan efter att rena genpolen på sikt, och göra alla likadana.
Vill vi verkligen ha en värld som den i Gattaca? Kan vi överhuvudtaget undvika det i vår ständiga befängda strävan efter att bota alla sjukdomar, defekter, hindra åldrande e.t.c. - bli en 'perfekt' ras?
Vill vi verkligen ha en värld som den i Gattaca? Kan vi överhuvudtaget undvika det i vår ständiga befängda strävan efter att bota alla sjukdomar, defekter, hindra åldrande e.t.c. - bli en 'perfekt' ras?
Verklighetens "Lisbeth Sallander"-fall. Och verkligheten överträffar dikten.
Jag finner inte ord för den ilska, sorg, maktlöshet och uppgivenhet jag känner efter att ha läst detta...
Dagens idiot-mail...
Från datingsiten Happypancace.com:
"Ämne: Hej
Oh en asperger edition, precis vad jag söker. Går den att programmera om?
Ämne: SV: Hej
Hej! Jag är den jag är, precis som du är den du är. Därmed inte sagt att jag är rigid och oförmögen till flexibilitet inom diverse områden. Man utvecklas ju ständigt, och förändras i förhållande till sin miljö och de människor man omger sig utav. Jag tycker din fråga är lite olycklig. För det första så är jag en människa av kött och blod, och därtill ganska känslosam. För det andra så kan det väl lika gärna vara du själv som är i behov av en s.k. "omprogrammering"? Eller det kanske helt enkelt är så generellt att alla kvinnor är ute efter att omprogrammera sina potentiella manliga partners? Hmm, kanske jag är en konspirationsteori på spåret här...vad tror du? Hur vill du programmera om mig? På vilket sätt är en asperger-edition precis vad du behöver? :P :)
"Ämne: Hej
Oh en asperger edition, precis vad jag söker. Går den att programmera om?
Jag svarar:
Ämne: SV: Hej
Hej! Jag är den jag är, precis som du är den du är. Därmed inte sagt att jag är rigid och oförmögen till flexibilitet inom diverse områden. Man utvecklas ju ständigt, och förändras i förhållande till sin miljö och de människor man omger sig utav. Jag tycker din fråga är lite olycklig. För det första så är jag en människa av kött och blod, och därtill ganska känslosam. För det andra så kan det väl lika gärna vara du själv som är i behov av en s.k. "omprogrammering"? Eller det kanske helt enkelt är så generellt att alla kvinnor är ute efter att omprogrammera sina potentiella manliga partners? Hmm, kanske jag är en konspirationsteori på spåret här...vad tror du? Hur vill du programmera om mig? På vilket sätt är en asperger-edition precis vad du behöver? :P :)
Den största myten om AS är också den mest kränkande och upprörande
Jag LIDER inte heller av mig själv. Jag lider av min oförstående omgivnings brist på empati och tolerans
Ben Frylmark ringar in diagnosen och allmänhetens okunskap och fördomar om den jävligt bra(!) i denna artikel.
Läsvärt och tänkvärt för "NT's" om AS
Här (läs även gärna kommentarerna efter artikeln).
Jag är inte i form att dela med mig mina egna tankar och känslor i natt tyvärr. Men jag lär ju i vart fall återkomma till det här framöver - i synnerhet efter att min utredning slutförts.
Jag är inte i form att dela med mig mina egna tankar och känslor i natt tyvärr. Men jag lär ju i vart fall återkomma till det här framöver - i synnerhet efter att min utredning slutförts.