Inte en skola jag vill studera på

Jag skrev detta i en engelsk Fb-grupp om ASD:
"We're all weird/quirky in one way or another". That's the one summarizing comment I recieved from my course teacher when I had described how my ASD works for a full hour. 
I had been away from my university for 3 years, because of bullying and silent treatment from my former classmates, and also lack of  understanding and support from teachers.
So when I returned this term, diagnosed and now fully understanding myself and how my ASD works, I get patronized by a teacher who clearly had no interest whatsoever in learning that there are people out there who struggles daily with their social handicaps. 
There was also a 3rd party sitting with me and the teacher at the table, and she was the advocate for students with a diagnosis.
The course that I was supposed to study, revolved around science around social media, and one of our assignments was to start up and run a blog. Upon realizing this I told the teacher and my 'advocate' that I already had an active blog.
At first they were positive about my idea that I could use my private blog for the course, but as soon as they realized that one of the many topics on my blog was about Asbergers syndrome, they quickly dissmissed the idea altogether.
I was very upset by this. I have fully accepted my diagnosis and I feel that it is nothing to either hide or be ashamed of. Instead I see it as one of my life missions to spread knowledge about ASD. But they strongly adviced me to not use my private blog as it could possibly hurt me and prevent me from getting a job in the future.
With these cynical thoughts about ASD in mind I decided not to take the course and instead boycott the university. I refuse to accept such ignorance. They would not respect me and my diagnosis, and they could not understand how someone like me, who is able to successfully hide my diagnosis in plain sight, would seek to risk being a victim to people's prejudice. If everyone with ASD started to hide under a rock, how the heck are we ever going to be anything else but marginalized, hushed and stowed away by society!?


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