Den där känslan


You're like a secret symphony
That was created just for me.
Some knowing mind, some guiding hand
Must have designed, must have planed it.

You're like a garden in a land
Of barren rock and lonely sand,
Where rain can fall, where grass can grow
And through it all, I can love you so.

Isn't it strange, but it's only a feeling
Isn't it weird, it feels like I'm stealing your soul.
Isn't it wild, this world that we know now
It's gonna be fun wherever we go now.

You're like a prayer I'm scared to say
The one who might have got away
Somebody worth all I've had to face
No one on Earth could replace you.

You're like a secret symphony
That was created just for me.
Some knowing mind, some guiding hand
Must have designed, must have planed it

Postat av: Särini

Vi stjäl varandras själar och lämnar tillbaka dem samtidigt, i varje sekund, alltid, och helst livet ut!

2013-10-15 @ 19:50:44

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