dust rats and fat cats
Oh corner hiding gray little bun
left to rott or self combust
old shedded skin missed by none
unwanted rat of dusty dust
Scraps from cool stuff fate has spun
blown or sucked up by guilt or lust
ain't a ball full of skippity fun
no gold glimmery crust
You prophet of lusty woe
preaching the neggo word
shoe heels on tender toe
It's old news now we've heard
not all in life can be chateau
There's the thin, the fat
the cat in the hat
chasing round the squeaky rat
You can change the roles
and pick up the phone
kill two birds with only one stone
An inner struggle each day
sometimes to win, sometimes to fail
Some rely on God's plan and pray
some let others be there to avail
or let the chips fall where they may
Succumb, be dust, or fight and prevail
By fate, fluke, or your hand it will sway
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Självpepp, självömkan, pepp, poesi, lyrik
left to rott or self combust
old shedded skin missed by none
unwanted rat of dusty dust
Scraps from cool stuff fate has spun
blown or sucked up by guilt or lust
ain't a ball full of skippity fun
no gold glimmery crust
You prophet of lusty woe
preaching the neggo word
shoe heels on tender toe
It's old news now we've heard
not all in life can be chateau
There's the thin, the fat
the cat in the hat
chasing round the squeaky rat
You can change the roles
and pick up the phone
kill two birds with only one stone
An inner struggle each day
sometimes to win, sometimes to fail
Some rely on God's plan and pray
some let others be there to avail
or let the chips fall where they may
Succumb, be dust, or fight and prevail
By fate, fluke, or your hand it will sway
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Självpepp, självömkan, pepp, poesi, lyrik
Postat av: Maria
Var det den här mitt dammande gav inspiration till? :)
Postat av: Cassow
Japp. Men det slår mig nu att jag skrivit dikter med dammråtte-tema förut. Den förra var på svenska och betydligt ljusare och vackrare. Tror jag skrev den någon gång mellan 2005-2006 på Lunarstorm. Jag har den nog liggandes någonstans på externa hårddisken...hm.